To Read

Many amulets did not have a Christian background, but played a big role in popular belief. 


The fig sign has been a common amulet since ancient times. Its meaning has changed several times over the millennia. Made in different designs and materials, they protected against the evil eye and ill-will. 


Coral amulets were for mothers and children and protected against disease and evil spirits. 

Agate spheres were thought to relieve gout and rheumatism. 

Malachite amulets protected expectant mothers during birth. 

Schergräberl amulets were moles paws and were worn to ensure that money did not run out. 


Marten paws and goat beard were fertility amulets for men, 


Cowrie shells and “Turboschnecke” (turbo snails), as ammonites were called in German, were fertility amulets for women.